Well, this is the first installment of my ride log for 2008. Decided to keep a log of significant rides on my 2005 BMW R 1200 RT. Having bought the bike on July 30, 2007 with 13,500 miles, I've now ridden it enough to know that it's THE touring bike for me. With cruise control, adjustable suspension (on the fly), electric tilting windshield, lowered riders pegs, and now a Russell Day Long saddle, I can ride a long way in good comfort.
With the other items from the Vstrom (Streetpilot 2610, Autocom, Sirius radio, and Motolights), I have most of the amenities of driving a car (no A/C nor heat except heated grips). I plan to take it to Alaska this summer.
This blog is to document rides and experiences on the RT.
First ride of 2008 started on New Years Day. Temperatures started out in the low 50s, pretty comfortable, and sunny. Good riding conditions.
Started out on Hwy 70 east, looking for a mom and pops restaurant serving the traditional New Years fare of Hog Jowl, collard greens, and black eyed peas. Had not had any in a lot of years, so I was on a hunt for them this year.
Rode east to Smithfield, deciding as I got in town to try an old major road--Hwy 301, headed south. My thinking was that the old road would have some old restaurants that had been in business for a long time and might be keeping the old southern tradition.
Nothing meeting my needs in Smithfield. Traffic was low/moderate, but pleasant.
As I entered Four Oaks, I remembered an old restaurant along the way that might just have what I had a hankering for. The Four Oaks Restaurant was obviously an old dinery that had possibilities.
So, I pulled into the parking lot, got off the bike, and removed my hi-viz Roadcrafter and went inside.
The atmosphere was what I expected--old, but relatively comfortable. Naugahyde-covered booths along the front windows and front areas, with the kitchen in the back. Several young women waitresses serving customers.
Ordered tea while I looked over the menu. Damn, no collards or hog jowl!! Disappointed, I ordered country style steak, mashed potatoes, and black eyed peas with corn sticks. Good sounding food, but not the New Year feast I was hoping for.
Nonetheless, the food was very good, with real mashed potatoes. And very reasonable; the meal cost $7.42, inlcluding tip. Not bad!
Went outside, put on the Roadcrafter, and got on the RT. The bike was in the shade, so when i got on it, the crafter was cold. Not pleasant at all.
Continued south on 301, deciding to ride 301 south into South Carolina, just to do it. Never ridden 301 further south than Lumberton, so today would be my chance to see where it would go.
Pleasant riding; very little traffic, and straightaways where I needed them. Went through Wade and ito Fayetteville. Old I-95 and 301 run together on Eastern Boulevard through town. Still no significant traffic.
Hwy 301 south of Fayetteville meanders on both sides of I 95, never far from the interstate. Went through St. Paul, then into Lumberton.
Lumberton was a challenge. Went into town on 301, and then disappeared!! I rode along for a while, working west towards I-95, thinking that it would still run parallel to the interstate. Stopped for directions, and learned that it picked up again just west of the interstate.
Found it again and headed south towards Rowland. It was apparent from the road surface that this stretch of 301 was not used much for several miles. The road was pretty straight, going through fields with green winter wheat as well as wooded stretches. A few houses along the way.
South of Rowland, it was apparent that I was near the big tourist area known as South of the Border, straddling the NC/SC state line. There were more cars at the Border than I thought there would be. I guess it being January 1, more people were out than I expected.
By now, the gas light was blinking on the RT. Knowing gas was usually cheaper in SC, I decided to ride to Dillon for gas. Found gas, and noted that I was getting cool, so I pulled into a McDonalds for a Cappacanio and an apple pie. The warm liquid and pie warmed me; felt good going down!
Before getting back on the RT, I decided to put on the Joe Rocket dri-liner and some winter gloves. Good decision!! Felt much better with warm stuff in my tummy and warmer clothes.
It was about 3:30pm, and I was 127 miles from home, so I decided to do a few miles on I-95. Jumped on it and rode to Hwy 211 in Lumberton. Got off the slab and rode to Hwy 41, headed north. Rode about 5 miles and turned left on Tar Heel Rd, a road that takes me to Tar Heel and River Road just north of Hwy 87.
Cross Hwy 87, then cross an old metal bridge over the Cape Fear River then to the stop sign at River Road.
A left turn onto River Road and one of my favorite roads in the area. It runs parallel to the Cape Fear River, with lots of bends and straight stretches. While I rode sanely on this ride, I remembered a ride a while back on the Vstrom when I was cruising at about 75mph and was passed by 2 cars and a pickup truck, leaving me like I was parked. I decided to chase them to see just how fast they were going. I reached over 100 several times catching them slowly. Followed them several miles at 90-100mph. With the curves, it was a fun ride.
Probably not a safe ride due to lots of woods close to the road, potentially housing deer or other animals. Not many houses or crossroads to worry about, so other than the wildlife, its a good road to ride.
Followed River Road to Hwy 53, then turned west to I-95.
By now it was beginning to get dark and the temperature was dropping. So, I headed north to I-40. Rode west on I-40 to Hwy 210, then northeast on back roads to home in Clayton. Got home about 5:30, after dark. It was 47 degrees, and I was cold.
Mileage for the day was 246. A very good ride for the first day of the year!